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The year started with a field day. Almost 100 farmers were visiting our experiments and interacting with the team. Awesome!


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By the end of 2021, the team got together to celebrate the successful year with joy, music, and food!


The summer season at the Smart Sward experiment is a beautiful time, with white clover and birdsfoot trefoil in full bloom, providing a great opportunity to capture stunning photographs.

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Now Daniel Barreta is a PhD candidate. He has just passed his qualifying exam. Congratulations!

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In July, Pedro Garzón defended his dissertation, which was completed in association with researchers from EPAGRI. Congratulations, Pedro!

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In January, the students of the agricultural school (IFC-Rio do Sul), Tamires Moraes and Sara Tiergarten ended their internships. In the photo, Professor André Sbrissia and them on the last day. The group wishes success, young students.

In September, Maria Carolina and Manoellla Lahra completed their internship with us and presented the main activities they collaborated on during this period. The team wishes you success, girls!

In May, the students Diana Moser and Luana Andrade, of the agricultural school, ended the activities in internship. The group wishes success, young students.


At the end of january, the group implanted a new experiment, with the variety of grass BRS Kurumi for the Valentina´s doctoral project



We had to reinvent ourselves during the pandemic. But the work doesn't stop. In the field, with masks!


Birdsfoot trefoil in full bloom! Awesome, isn't it?



What a team!!

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